What is superfan.moe ?
Superfan.moe is a site that helps you to be a fan of creators. We notify you when new content releases or gets announced. Superfan.moe is not an anime information database, there's already MAL, AniDB, AniList and many others for that. These sites however, do not provide an easy, consolidated way to filter and keep track of new content releases of all types, such as music, sequels, related content, merchandise, etc. That's where Superfan.moe is here to help!
How can I get notifications?
Method 1. Install superfan.moe website on your phone and enable notifications
Method 2. Use an RSS app
Where can I find the new episode/music/content?
Superfan.moe's sources for new releases are as follows:
Anime information | Anilist, Anidb |
Anime episodes | Nyaa.si (torrent) |
Anime news | Anime News Network |
Music | Nyaa.si (torrent), Spotify via Aniplaylist |
Merchandise | Amiami |
I can't torrent, where can I stream the new episode/music/content?
You may try the following services (not affliated with any of the following):
Anime | Gogoanime, 9anime | These do not have ads when last checked. If they have ads, please inform me and I will replace them with another website.
Music | Spotify via Aniplaylist, Animusic.moe |
Merchandise | Amiami, CDJapan, Hobbylink Japan |
Email me @ admin@superfan.moe or hop into discord []